(CSHEP) is a registered Community based organization (CBO), focused on training small scale farmers, especially women, in Kajiado north and semi-urban areas south west of Nairobi city.
Its major goal is to induce farmers to use sustainable organic and bio-intensive gardening to improve production and earnings, become food secured and safeguard the environment.
The long term goal is to enlighten the small scale farmers, women and the youth to make decisions and act based on pure understanding of the holistic environment so as to have sustained satisfaction and community development.
Mission Statement
- We at CSHEP are committed to equipping farming communities with awareness and skills that will lead to development opportunities for all, especially women, youth and children.
- CSHEP envisions a farming society able to control, use and manage local resources prudently for their environmental well-being.
- To ensure food sufficiency and security at house hold level with balanced gender participation.
- To protect the environment by promoting ecologically sound farming practice.
- To boost income for the rural small holder farmers through small projects and sale of surplus produce.
- To promote healthy home-grown diet for the farmers’ households and high-quality nutrition for sick and vulnerable children.
- CSHEP is always guided by; service, diligence and integrity.
The Team
- The organization has offices at Kiserian town, it is governed by a five member board, run by a coordinator, and has diligent and experienced staff committed to sustainably developing food self-sufficiency and security, improving self reliance for women and building a better and more hopeful future for children.