What’s in our organic farm;
From top left we have
Do you know its a fruit

Its mostly used in salads and also in making juices and you can eat it raw.
What is the benefit of cucumber?
*Juice can aid in weight loss, promotes Hydration, Lowers blood sugar, its water prevents constipation and proper bowel movement.
b) Mrenda. Its English word is jute mallow.
What’s is the Benefit?
*improves eye sight, helps in digestion, Regulates Menses,,lowers choleestrol,eases joint pains mostly for someone with arthritis.
c) Avocados. Most common fruit in the world that can be eaten raw, add in juices, added in salads, add in food, used as hair treatment etc.
What is it benefits?
*It reach in vitamin K for strong bones, Improves in digestion, lowers risk of depression, enhance weight loss, improves insulin sensitivity, lowers risk of heart diseases, stroke etc.
d)Chayote(with the avocados in the picture). Its a fruit one can cook, eat raw or add in salads and are rich in Vit C.
What’s is its benefit?
*Reduces risk of heart diseases, improves blood flow, improves your blood pressure, controls blood sugar, for pregnant women its improves development of foetus brain and spinal cord, its’s richness in fiber promotes a healthy weight.
We guarantee you clean and nutritious farm produce that is safe to eat. Call us today 0782903730 for your orders and home deliveries.
Visit our farmers market on
Fri 8-1pm at Enkang Restaurant Kiserian and
Saturday 8-1pm at Kids venture Garden Estate.
Continue to stay safe and observe measures by MOH.
Stay safe and eat clean.
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