Organic Farmers Market at Kiserian.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T09:26:47+00:00August 25th, 2022|
Consumers are becoming better educated about the food they eat
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T09:22:28+00:00August 21st, 2022|
The future of Agroecology has a continuity
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T09:18:35+00:00August 21st, 2022|
We are in Kiserian for the weekly Farmers market.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T09:13:08+00:00August 19th, 2022|
He who controls the seed controls our stomach.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:55:22+00:00August 14th, 2022|
CSHEP intervention
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:52:53+00:00August 10th, 2022|
We got to spend time at EIPMA
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:39:48+00:00July 20th, 2022|
We say keep your friends close and your farmer closer
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:33:16+00:00July 20th, 2022|
Organic Agriculture is society’s brightest hope for positive change.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:28:40+00:00July 15th, 2022|
Real food.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:23:24+00:00July 4th, 2022|
Healthy Eating Week day
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:20:40+00:00June 11th, 2022|
Food safety should be everyone’s business.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:15:49+00:00June 7th, 2022|
Did you know that you food tastes way better when you grow your own
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:12:24+00:00June 2nd, 2022|
CShep represented in the AGROVEG Stakeholders workshop
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T08:03:48+00:00June 2nd, 2022|
We got to visit Rwacumari Green Quarters
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T07:58:40+00:00June 2nd, 2022|
Growing your own vegetables
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T07:53:15+00:00June 2nd, 2022|
Ongoing organic farmers training ay kiserian, Kajiado county.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T07:39:54+00:00May 25th, 2022|
A dream that came into reality.
Cshep Kenya2024-04-12T13:39:34+00:00May 18th, 2022|
Ongoing Agroecology Advocacy meeting with ndeiya
Cshep Kenya2024-04-12T13:34:54+00:00May 16th, 2022|
Green is beautiful
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T07:46:15+00:00May 5th, 2022|
Organic Farming and seeds training
Cshep Kenya2024-04-12T13:25:20+00:00April 29th, 2022|
organic farmers training
Cshep Kenya2024-04-16T07:46:49+00:00April 29th, 2022|