The training on organic and bio intensive mini-farming takes five days for both indoor lessons and practical. The participants should be in a group and must attend all days in full. We facilitate the process by providing the technical resources while the participants decide on the venue and labour during the practical lessons.
Outline of the basic course
- Introduction to Biointensive mini-farming and organic farming.
- Soil fertility, tillage techniques and soil conservation.
- Composting and plant feeding.
- Cropping systems, diversity, crop rotation, agro forestry and natural crop protection, kitchen gardening and planting calendar, seed production, harvesting and storage.
- Organic animal husbandry, care and disease control – in depth.
- Appropriate technology, home economics and human nutrition.
- The organic production ‘PROCESS’
Points to note
- The timing, venue and programs are designed to suit the beneficiaries’ needs.
- The community will contribute according to the need at hand.
- We also have a market system where the trained members are exposed to selling their surplus for income.
- The participation are awarded certificate upon completion of the training.