Indigenous seeds festivals and African food cooking competition in Zimbabwe
Happy to have CSHEP participating in the national indigenous seeds festivals and African food cooking competition in Zimbabwe, what a
Happy to have CSHEP participating in the national indigenous seeds festivals and African food cooking competition in Zimbabwe, what a
Join us for our organic farmers market at Kiserian opposite Enkang Restaurant.
CShep participated in a two days isfaa capacity building on GMos and emerging technologies and a exposure learning visit to
A successful four day training on Agroecology at Kiserian demo farm.
Nairobi international agricultural show. A great day spent with friends, learning from others, networking, a lot of walking. Its always
A 3 days comprehensive training at CSHEP on soil, water and Intergrated Pest Management with Dr. Mihindo courtesy of Agroecology
Participating at the ISFAA’s Private Sector, Markets and Consumer TWG is working on developing a digital map of all agroecology
Always happy to get into contact with the things that matters to the Nature A great visit to Kijabe Eden
CSHEP participated at the 2-day national dialogue on agri food systems under the theme: Indigenous foods for health and wealth.
Join us every Friday from 8.30am at our organic farmers market, opposite Enkang restaurant, Kiserian and enjoy some organic foods